Devoirs pour la semaine du 9 au 13 janvier 2012!!!

Devoirs pour vendredi 13 janvier:
CC: Read ch. 6 of La femme qui ne voulait pas se soumettre - Answer questions ex. 12. 
Grammaire: Livret "imparfait" - Study how to form "l'imparfait" on the front page and do ex. 1, 2, 3 p. 2.

Ecrit: Work on your essay - Make sure to read well enough to understand your topic. 
Devoirs pour jeudi 12 janvier:
CC: Reread first part of La femme qui ne voulait pas se soumettre (intro to ch. 5) in view of a samll comprehension test (V/F - Multiple choice questions) - Finish the vocab test you did in class if necessary - Re view the vocab p, 14 (first column only).

Ecrit: Start your essay, but make sure your outline is adequate. Makes sure you understand what problem you are presenting and what are the consequences of this problem before suggesting solutions. Also make sure your solution are relevant to the problem you are presenting and that each solution stands on its own.

Devoirs pour mercredi 11 janvier:
CC: Read chapter 5 and do activity 11 p. 7 - Learn vocabulary p. 14 (first column only) - Learn means you can come up with the word, spell it and use it. 

Ecrit: Read the articles again making sure you understand what you have to use. Write your outline using p. 8. Remember that you can use the same sentence Maryse used to conclude her Introduction "La pollution de l'environnement est un grave problème pour lequel il y a plusieurs solutions." 

Devoirs pour mardi 10 janvier:
CC: Read chapters 3 and 4 of La femme qui ne voulait pas se soumettre - Do activities 8, 9, 10. Start learning the vocab p. 14.

Ecrit: Read the articles you received, underline info useful for your topic and list key works in the tag of the new form you received today. Key words will help you see the relevance of the information for your paper.

Devoirs pour lundi 9 janvier:
CC: Read chapters 1 and 2 of La femme qui ne voulait pas se soumettre - Do activities 4, 5, 6, 7 - (if you didn't complete activities 1, 2, 3 in class, make sure to do so - These questions relate to the introductory chapter).
Vocabulary given at the beginning of each section in the packet is to help you understand the text better. Vocabulary to learn and memorize is listed on page 14. Make sure to learn a few words as you read each chapter. Learning vocabulary words means you can come up with the word, use it in your own sentences and write it correctly. For instance if one asks you what was the profession of Rosa Parks' father, you need to say "Il était charpentier" - You also need to be able to write something like "Un charpentier construit des maisons en bois. Il construit la charpente des maisons" to show you understand the word.

Ecrit: Reread the topic you have chosen (pollution de l'eau ou pollution de l'environnement) to make sure you understand what you task is. Read some of the articles you received in class, and start highlighting / underlining information that might be useful to write your paper. You will have more time to do this task in class. You are not expected to read ALL the articles by Monday.

IMPORTANT: If you haven't submitted your work from the audio book, make sure to bring it on Monday. The list of students (9) who have yet to turn in their work is on the board.