Projet de géographie

With two partners, choose a contemporary situation in Africa you want to explore and learn about. As a group, find at least 4 sources (2 have to be in French) that describe the situation and what has been or is being done about it. As you read the sources, take notes and don't forget to cite your sources  (MLA format: 

As a group, you will report to the class about your topic. The format will be of a newscast. One of you will be the journalist, while 2 others will play the role of a specialist, an activist, a politician, a victim, or any person who has some relationship with the topic. The journalist will interview the guest speakers who will explain and develop the topic according to their own perspective. You need to know your part by heart. The journalist can have the questions written out.

After your group does research (reads enough info + take notes on it), you will, as a group, write the script of your newscast using one shared Google doc (shared document with your 2 partners and me).  Once the document is reviewed by me and corrected by you, start learning it by heart using the right intonation. 

While I assess your work, you will find some good visual to illustrate your newscast (use Google Presentation) that will be presented as you have your newscast. These can be maps to show location, graphs to show progress, images to illustrate what you are presenting. This step will take place only once your are done with your script.

Your script, composed on Google docs (shared with me), should contain:
• The name of the Newscast, of the journalist and of the experts/guests. "Bienvenus à .........
• The guests' field of expertise or relationship to the topic.
• a paragraph exposing the initial situation (where, when, who, what, why) - This is said by the journalist.
• A set of questions (6 max) to lead one of the guests in presenting what she/he knows about the topic (what, how, by whom, since when, for how long, so what?) + answers to all of these questions.
• A set of questions (6 max) to lead the other guest in presenting his/her view of the topic what she/he knows about the topic (what, how, by whom, since when, for how long, so what?) + answers to all of these questions. 
• A set of questions (3 max) for each participant to lead to a conclusion: last words of wisdom, what to you want to tell the world, how can this be helped, actions needed for the future, etc...
• A concluding paragraph by the journalist to wrap up this show and present the next one: "Et nous nous retrouverons la semaine prochaine pour parler de ......."
• a citation page (MLA format -

Counting today (Thursday April 7th), we will use 4 class time + homework to work on the research and the writing of this script.

It is important to be productive in class, and use home time to find adequate resources. 

Find a topic to research - Start with the link below, choose an area you might like (sports, music, documentaries*, etc...), and watch/listen to one segment. Some segments are too long for you to watch entirely, but they will give you some info about a topic. Then find other site webs to get more knowledge.


Other sites to find a project
Greenpeace Afrique

Liste des projets en Afrique*&fq=region:Africa

Other ideas:
Girls empowerment

Water situations and solutions:

Cheetah's situation:

Silk farming in Madagascar:

Parc de Bemaraha à Madagscar (Tsingy)

Environment/health - Stove (many cooking stoves in Africa are inefficient. They burn a lot of wood, and with toxic fumes).