CC - Immigration: Reread the text about Ellis Island (given in class), and write the part of you letter 3 when your character is going to go through Ellis Island. Make sure to use what you learned today and in Pushes and Pulls to make your entry realistic.
• Devoirs pour jeudi 1 novembre:
CC - Immigration: Make sure letter 2 is entirely done and reviewed as we listed in class. Print it.
• Devoirs pour mercredi 31 octobre:
CC - Immigration: Work on letter 2
Grammaire: Study pronominal verbs (Livret 2 p. 24)

• Devoirs pour mardi 30 octobre:
CC - Immigration: Read the information for the letter 2 (new small packet): fill-in time line p. 1 + read info p. 2.
Grammaire: Study present of -ER verbs p. 22 + do ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 23.
Letters from Rifka: Read to page 125 + answer questions in the little booklet.
• Devoirs pour lundi 29 octobre:
CC - Immigration: Make sure letter 1 is done - Proof read it to the best of your abilities making sure that spelling is correct (no red lines), verbs are correctly conjugated and agree with its subject. Also make sure that you included enough information for the 1st letter, but did not reveal too much information for the 1st letter.
Grammaire: Study present of -ER verbs p. 22 + do ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 23.
Letters from Rifka: Read to page 125 + answer questions in the little booklet.
Contes: Your Amerindian story (version 1) should be done + you need to do 2 illustrations each minimum.