Devoirs pour la semaine du 16 au 20 mai

Homework is now written in English to insure comprehension by all (students and parents).

• Devoirs pour vendredi 20 mai
CC: Read information p. 8 (¶ starting with "En 1960,..." and "Les élèves..." + write a 1 sentence summary for each paragraph (2 total).  Answer questions 13 & 14.

Géographie: Do a little research on your topic

• Devoirs pour jeudi 19 mai
CC: Read information of the first 3 ¶ about Les Droits civiques p. 7 + 8 write a 1 sentence summary for each paragraph (4 total). Answer questions 6 to 10

Writing: Students should work on their cultural festival project (French or English). Captions + title

• Devoirs pour mercredi 18 mai
CC: Read information about the Bracero program p. 6-7 + write a 1 sentence summary for each paragraph (4 total).

Géographie: No homework (but you can work on your Cultural Festival).
• Devoirs pour mardi 17 mai
CC: Read information p. 6 (first 2 ¶s) - Write 2 sentences (1 to summarize each ¶) - Answer question 5 p. 5 + learn vocab list 2 p. 2 (make sure to review vocab list 1). 

Writing: Answer, address all comments made on your Cultural Festival project (English). Bring your visuals and make sure your captions and titles are accurate. If you work on your French document, DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE and do the work on your own (parents and tutors are not taking the class) + make sure to summarize the information (300 words or less that refers to the entire project - Not a translation of the first paragraph).

• Devoirs pour lundi 16 mai
CC: Read well p. 5 "La migration vers les Etats-Unis" + write a 2 sentence summary of its content. 

Géographie: No homework (you will have a last class to finish your reading on the Aztecs and Maya) - Use this time to answer questions for your Cultural Festival project, collect your visuals, etc...