Devoirs pour les semaines du 4 au 12 septembre

• Devoirs pour vendredi 12 septembre: PHOTO!!
CC : Finish the activities p. 15 + learn the 1st song p. 16 "coucou le hibou"

Ecrit: No Homework

• Devoirs pour jeudi 11 septembre:

CC : Reread the letter of Sarah p. 12 + write your answer. Make sure to use the model from the letter!!! Don't make up things, use the correct grammar right away.

Contes et légendes: Finish activities started in class p. 2-3
• Devoirs pour mercredi 10 septembre:
CC : Review "être" "avoir" p. 8 + do all activities p. 10 + 11

Ecrit: Make sure your poem is ready to be typed (we will type it in school to learn about login into your server). Make sure the structure of your poem follows the model.

• Devoirs pour mardi 9 septembre:
CC : Study (meaning and spelling) of vocab p. 4 and 5. Practice difficult words several times. Learn "être" et "avoir" p. 8.

Contes et légendes: Read the story of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge p. 4 & 5 + do the Dans ton cahier # 2 (6 details) + Post Lecture # 2 p. 2. (a through h) in your French notebook.

• Devoirs pour lundi 8 septembre:
CC : Study (meaning and spelling) of vocab p. 4 and 5. Practice difficult words several times. Finish crossword puzzle p. 6.

Ecrit: Reread the poem p. 3. Choose a season + explain why by making a list of at least 5 activities you can do during this season (en français).
• Devoirs pour vendredi 5 septembre:
CC : Study (meaning and spelling) of vocab p. 4 and 5. Practice difficult words several times.