• Devoirs pour mercredi 4 décembre:
CC: Review the rules of passé composé + learn when to use "être" for the auxiliary. Do exercises p. 10.
Ecrit: Correct last letter(s) and finish the summary of your audio book + the 10 vocabulary words.
• Devoirs pour mardi 3 décembre
CC: Review all verbs studied so far (-IR (finir), vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, prendre, lire, écrire, conduire, mettre, battre, -RE (vendre) - Contrôle présent + passé composé
Ecrit: Correct letter 2 and/or work on the summary of your audio book.
• Devoirs pour lundi 2 décembre
CC: Review all verbs studied so far (-IR, vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, prendre, lire, écrire, conduire, mettre, battre, -RE) - Contrôle
Ecrit: Read the audio book given on Friday + work on the summary + 10 words. This assignment is due at the latest on Wednesday (before grading period ends).
A good summary needs to give me a good idea of the story, the
characters involved and their relationship. I assume that 2 paragraphs
of about 100 words will do. But content is more important than length.
A good summary
needs to be well written, containing just a few errors (vocab is
provided in the story, use it!), proof read for the 5 types of
errors we worked the entire term : VC + VI / acc (agreement) / O
(spelling) / C (conjugation) / à moi > me (pronoun order.)
Vocab list (we did that activity many times this term).
Find 10 words that are either new or are somewhat obscure. Give a definition, a synonym or
an antonym to explain the word (a translation would be acceptable too). Make sure that the definition of a word matches the one used
in the story - Verbs need to be listed in the infinitive form.