Devoirs pour les semaines du 13 au 22 novembre

Devoirs pour lundi 19 novembre:
CC: finish all letters + corrections (of 1, 2 ,3) - Complete your passport and your name tag.

Conte: Make sure all your drawings are finish + practice narrating your story.

Devoirs pour jeudi 15 novembre:
CC: Finish letter 4 
Conte: Make sure all your drawings are finish

Devoirs pour mercredi 14 novembre:
CC: Grammaire: Review conjugation of verbs p. 3, 4 and 5 - Présent et Passé composé. (verbes: Prendre / Vendre / Lire / Ecrire / Conduire / Mettre - pris / vendu / lu / écrit / conduit / mis)

Ecrit: Work on letter 4 - Make sure to write your letter at a time when your character would have been able to experience a nice chunk of American culture (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July). Have fun!

Devoirs pour mardi 13 novembre:
CC: Grammaire: Review conjugation of verbs p. 4 & 5 + finish all exercises on these pages. Review the conjugation of verb PRENDRE p. 3 and verbs in the same family (apprendre, comprendre, entreprendre, surprendre).

Ecrit: Make sure that your letters 1 and 2 are corrected and edited the best you can - Again, read several times your work, each time for a different purpose. Address all red lines - some are unjustified (meaning that the computer is not recognizing a word that actually exists). Again: to those who have not submitted letter 3, work on it!