Devoirs pour la semaine du 21 au 24 février 2012

• Devoirs pour vendredi 24 février:
CC: rien

• Devoirs pour le mercredi 22 février:
CC: Make sure your oral presentation is posted on Google Docs + revised according to how your French presentation was revised. 

Parlons! : Learn your lines

Ecrit: Work on your 2 journal entries, these are due on Monday 27th - Remember, you can get NO HELP from tutors, Google Translate, etc... Your only resources are dictionaries, verb books, electronic spell checkers, your original paper and your knowledge!

• Devoirs pour le mardi 21 février: 
CC: Bring all your material for your poster board to class, we will use Tuesday and Wednesday to do ALL poster boards - If you need color pictures, please print them at home, and cut all your documents to the right size. Bring glue sticks. Thank you.

Parlons! : Learn your lines - Make sure to use the final version of your script  -  Emily, Sasha, Cole, Liam, Caleb, Aniele, Marika, Uli, Tabitha, etc... and Maya Co, Sophia, Mia, Alexandre, Sean, Carly, Windsor, Aubrey, Connor, etc... groups are all in one document - That IS the finale version