Devoirs pour la semaine du 1 au 5 octobre

Devoirs pour vendredi 5 
CC: Study the feminine changes for adjectives p. 4 + opposites of adjectives p. 6 Contrôle 

Devoirs pour jeudi 4 octobre:
CC: Grammar: Livret 2 - study feminine forms p. 4  + do activities II p. 3 and p. 6

Devoirs pour mercredi 3 octobre:
CC: Grammar: Livret 2 - Complete feminine forms p. 4  + do activities I and III p. 3

Devoirs pour mardi 2 octobre:
CC: Finish the workbook that goes along Les Amérindiens d'Amérique.  Grammar: Livret 2 - Go over the rules p. 2 + do activities p. 3

Contes: No HW unless you are not dome with the activities for Le Bon Génie.

Devoirs pour lundi 1 octobre:
CC: Study vocabulary p. 9 - Contrôle To review: go over crossword puzzle p. 11, activity p. 14 and do puzzle p. 13

Ecrit: Continue working on your project on Amérindiens - Access your work through Google Docs (go to RMS > Students > right menu > Google Docs) - Remember that you might need to disconnect from your gmail. This project needs to be done by Friday - We will work on it in class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

Devoirs pour la semaine du 24 au 28 septembre

Devoirs pour vendredi 28 septembre:
CC: Learn vocab p. 9 + do crossword puzzle p. 11

Contes:  Work on your assignment for Le bon génie qui a délivré le printemps. 4 words, 2 questions, 1 drawing for your section.

Devoirs pour jeudi 27 septembre:
CC: Read p. 11 and 12 + answer questions 9 to 16 p. 7 and 8.

Ecrit: Continue your research for your topic - You can visit
Login ID: americassl
Passwords: raccoon (until 10/02) dolphin (until 11/06)
Choose « Early People » and find 1 or 2 articles on your topic. Read and take notes. Don't forget to note down the citation.

Devoirs pour mercredi 26 septembre:
CC: Read p. 10 + answer questions about "les batailles" p. 7

Contes:  Read the beginning of  Le bon génie qui a délivré le printemps p. 12 to ".. les beaux jours y reviennent." and write the answers of the following questions on p. 14:
1- Comment le froid est montré dans cette partie?
2- Que demande le lièvre?

Devoirs pour mardi 25 septembre:
CC:  Review vocab p. 2 and 5 - We will have a test on it.

Ecrit: Visit
Login ID: americassl
Passwords: raccoon (until 10/02) dolphin (until 11/06)
Choose « Early People » and find 1 or 2 articles on your topic. Read and take notes. Don't forget to note down the citation.

Devoirs pour lundi 24 septembre:
CC: Read p. 9 + answer questions 1 to 9 p. 6-7 - Review the vocabulary p. 2 and 5 (review means make sure to know what the words mean + how to spell them). 

Contes : Do the vocabulary ex. p. 10 and 11 - The nature of a word is to say whether the word is a noun, a verb, an adjective.

Devoirs de la semaine du 17 au 21 septembre

Un village Lakota
Devoirs pour vendredi 21 septembre:
CC: Read p. 6 to 8 + answer questions 1 to 10 p. 6

Ecrit: Finish your Wapiti template + think of a topic for your research project on Native Americans.

Devoirs pour jeudi 20 septembre:
CC: Study vocab p. 2 and 5. Choose 5 words and draw an illustration on the back of your packet; choose 5 words and be ready to act them up; choose 5 words from p. 5 and write a good description.

Contes et légendes: View the video on the story Comment le ciel est devenu grand - Answer the last question p. 10. 

Devoirs pour mercredi 19 septembre:
CC: Read p. 5 & 6 + answer question 5 p. 4. Study vocab. p. 5.

Ecrit: Read your Wapiti. Start working on your assignment. We will work on it on Wednesday and you will need to finish it for Friday.

Devoirs pour mardi 18 septembre:
CC: Start learning vocabulary words p. 2 by doing crossword puzzle p. 3. Read p. 4 and 5 (section b) + answer questions 1 to 5 p. 4. You can follow along the reading of the packet by clicking on "Reading of the packet "Les Amérindiens" on the left menu.

Contes et légendes: Reread "une légende sioux" and "capteur de rêves" - Study the vocab p. 7 and do crosswords p. 8.

Devoirs pour lundi 17 septembre:
CC: Read p. 3  and 4 + answer questions 6 to 16.

Ecrit: Finish your drawing for your poem. Make sure it is representative of your poem and that you use color when appropriate. 

Devoirs des deux premières semaines d'école

• Devoirs pour vendredi 14 septembre:
CC: Read p. 1 & 2 of Les Amérindiens aux Etats-Unis + answer questions 1 to 4 p. 1

Conte: Read Une légende Sioux p. 7 + répondre aux questions 1 à 6 p. 8  -  Reread Le capteur de rêves if necessary.

• Devoirs pour jeudi 13 septembre:
CC: Livret 1 - Study "est-ce que" and the negation p. 14 + do all activities p. 15 - Learn the lyrics of "coucou le hibou" p. 16 (I will collect livret 1)

Ecrit: Finish your poem and work on your drawing.

• Devoirs pour mecredi 12 septembre:
CC: Livret 1 - Study words from p. 4 and 5 + rules of grammar (accord de l'adjectif / Verbe conjugué + verbe infinitif) for a dictée TEST 1 - Complete ex. p. 10, 11 and top of 13 if necessary. 

Conte: Reread the story of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge + find 10 verbs conjugated in Passé Simple, underline them and write the infinitive of these verbs on the margin of the text (see p. 3 for instruction). Finish activity on vocabulary p. 5.

• Devoirs pour mardi 11 septembre:
CC: Livret 1 - Study difficult words from p. 4 and 5 (une poinçonneuse / une agrafeuse / bruyant / une étagère / ...) + study "être" "avoir" p. 8 + do activity 1 to 5 p. 9.

Ecrit: Reread the poem numbered 4 in Livret n°1. Choose a season and make a list of activities you like to do during this season. Be precise.

• Devoirs pour lundi 10 septembre:
CC : Study  (meaning and spelling) of vocab p. 4 and 5 + do the cross-word puzzle p. 6.

Contes et légendes: Reread the story of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge p. 4 & 5 + do the activity 3 p. 3 (write answers on a sheet of paper to be turned in - this is done individually)

• Devoirs pour vendredi 7 septembre:
CC : Study (meaning and spelling) of the vocab numbered 4 in Livret n°1 (sorry page 2 was misplaced and did not make it in the packet, this explains why p. 4 is on p. 3).

Bonne rentrée!