Devoirs pour mercredi 30 novembre:
CC: JOURNAL is due!
Devoirs pour mardi 29 novembre:
CC: Practice reading two of your letters - You will be asked to read them aloud in class.
Devoirs pour lundi 28 novembre:
CC: Revise your letters (see google doc for comments/questions) - If the title has "finale" then this is your last version. Print them and choose a format to present your journal. Find photos / maps / etc... to illustrate your journal.
Ecrit: Learn past participles of verbs p. 6 + study the negation pattern (p.9) - If you were not in class, do ex. 4 p. 8 and 5 p. 9
Devoirs pour la semaine du 21 au 23 novembre
Devoirs pour mercredi 23 novembre:
CC: Finish all letters - Find appropriate pictures to illustrate your final journal.
Devoirs pour mardi 22 novembre:
CC: Immigration Simulation - Come dress-up with a piece of luggage (see pictures for ideas). Work on your journal.
Devoirs pour lundi 21 novembre:
CC: All letters should be typed and ready to be submitted. Students should check on Google docs and address questions that I have posted on their letters (this might need to be done on Sunday as I have a lot of correcting to go through). Students need to finish their passport and their tag (efforts put into this will add points to the journal project).
Ecrit: Learn past participles of verbs p. 6, finish ex. 1 p. 7 (please use info p. 6 to write the correct forms), ex. 2 and ex. 3 p. 8.
Devoirs pour mercredi 23 novembre:
CC: Finish all letters - Find appropriate pictures to illustrate your final journal.
Devoirs pour mardi 22 novembre:
CC: Immigration Simulation - Come dress-up with a piece of luggage (see pictures for ideas). Work on your journal.
Devoirs pour lundi 21 novembre:

Ecrit: Learn past participles of verbs p. 6, finish ex. 1 p. 7 (please use info p. 6 to write the correct forms), ex. 2 and ex. 3 p. 8.
Devoirs pour la semaine du 14 au 18 novembre
• Devoirs pour vendredi 18:
CC: Finir lettre 4 ou corriger les lettres sur lesquelles vous travaillez - Préparez votre passeport et votre étiquette.
Ecrit: Apprendre la conjugaisons des 6 verbes des pages 4 et 5, présent et passé composé - Petit contrôle.
Suggestions pour réviser:
1) Learn the ending and observe the similarities and differences : (write verbs multiple times, and repeat forms that you don't know well enough)
Ecrire: s / s / t /vons / ves / vent /
Traduire: s / s / t / sons / sez / sent
Lire : s / s / t /sons / sez / sent
Mettre : s / s / t / tons / tez / tent
Battre : s / s / t / tons / tez / tent
Répondre: s / s / d / dons / dez / dent
2) Learn the past participles (make sure to remember is the ending is "-i", "-it", "-is".
Ecrire : écrit
Traduire : traduit
Mettre : mis
Lire : lu
Battre : battu
Répondre ; répondu
3) Know what verbs are conjugated the same way.
Ecrire: décrire, s'inscrire
Lire: relire
Traduire: conduire, détruire, construire, réduire
Mettre: permettre, remettre, admettre, commettre, promettre
Battre: combattre, abattre
Répondre: entendre, attendre, vendre, descendre, perdre, tordre,
• Devoirs pour mercredi 16:
CC: Corriger la lettre 2 ou commencer le brouillon de la lettre 4 (this depends on what it is easier for you to work on at home vs. at school).
• Devoirs pour mardi 15:
CC: Corriger la lettre 3 et 1
• Devoirs pour lundi 14:
CC: Composer la lettre 3 et dessiner le drapeau de votre pays d'origine (celui de votre personnage).
• Devoirs pour vendredi 18:
CC: Finir lettre 4 ou corriger les lettres sur lesquelles vous travaillez - Préparez votre passeport et votre étiquette.
Ecrit: Apprendre la conjugaisons des 6 verbes des pages 4 et 5, présent et passé composé - Petit contrôle.
Suggestions pour réviser:
1) Learn the ending and observe the similarities and differences : (write verbs multiple times, and repeat forms that you don't know well enough)
Ecrire: s / s / t /vons / ves / vent /
Traduire: s / s / t / sons / sez / sent
Lire : s / s / t /sons / sez / sent
Mettre : s / s / t / tons / tez / tent
Battre : s / s / t / tons / tez / tent
Répondre: s / s / d / dons / dez / dent
2) Learn the past participles (make sure to remember is the ending is "-i", "-it", "-is".
Ecrire : écrit
Traduire : traduit
Mettre : mis
Lire : lu
Battre : battu
Répondre ; répondu
3) Know what verbs are conjugated the same way.
Ecrire: décrire, s'inscrire
Lire: relire
Traduire: conduire, détruire, construire, réduire
Mettre: permettre, remettre, admettre, commettre, promettre
Battre: combattre, abattre
Répondre: entendre, attendre, vendre, descendre, perdre, tordre,
• Devoirs pour mercredi 16:
CC: Corriger la lettre 2 ou commencer le brouillon de la lettre 4 (this depends on what it is easier for you to work on at home vs. at school).
Ecrit: Apprendre les verbes de la page 4 (écrire / lire / traduire) au présent et au passé composé + finir l'exercice 2 + écrire les verbes au passé composé.
• Devoirs pour mardi 15:
CC: Corriger la lettre 3 et 1
Conte: Relire Le Poisson doré - Petit contrôle de compréhension.
• Devoirs pour lundi 14:
CC: Composer la lettre 3 et dessiner le drapeau de votre pays d'origine (celui de votre personnage).
Devoirs pour la semaine du 7 au 10 novembre.
• Devoirs pour jeudi 10 novembre:
CC: Work on the rough draft of letter 3 - Make sure to find accurate information about this stage (packet p. 5 - listening activities p. 4) - Find ways to describe the feelings of your character.
• Devoirs pour mercredi 9 novembre:
CC: Read the story of The statue of liberty p. 7and 8 and answer questions 9 to 13 p. 3 - You need to read well enough to answer the questions accurately. Start on the rough draft of letter 3 : Going through Ellis Island.
Ecrit: Study the verbs of p. 2 and 3 (new grammar packet) + the cover page (past participles) . Do all ex. p. 2 and 3. These are all review verbs.
• Devoirs pour mardi 8 novembre
CC: Read the story of Ellis Island p. 5 and 6 (on the left menu, there is a link so you can listen to the text) - Answer questions 1 to 8 p. 3 of the question packet. Finish and/or add details to the letter 2 that will help describe the journey on the boat.
Conte: Read the first page of Le Petit poisson doré - Compose 6 comprehension questions, and look up 6 words you don't know. Make sure to indicate the nature of the word + a definition or a synonym or an antonym or a drawing.
• Devoirs pour lundi 7 novembre
CC: Read Letters from Rifka and answer questions in the small booklet. Pay special attention to how she shares her journey through the Atlantic. Her passage through Ellis Island will also very be very useful for your 3rd letter.
Finish your letter 2 (ignore the request for the exact price of the ticket, however, you can give an idea of the sacrifice needed to pay for it).
• Devoirs pour jeudi 10 novembre:
CC: Work on the rough draft of letter 3 - Make sure to find accurate information about this stage (packet p. 5 - listening activities p. 4) - Find ways to describe the feelings of your character.
Conte: Read "Le poisson doré" p. 2 and write 6 questions of comprehension. Note how the sea is changing and described, Note how the feelings of the wife is described.
• Devoirs pour mercredi 9 novembre:
CC: Read the story of The statue of liberty p. 7and 8 and answer questions 9 to 13 p. 3 - You need to read well enough to answer the questions accurately. Start on the rough draft of letter 3 : Going through Ellis Island.
Ecrit: Study the verbs of p. 2 and 3 (new grammar packet) + the cover page (past participles) . Do all ex. p. 2 and 3. These are all review verbs.
• Devoirs pour mardi 8 novembre
CC: Read the story of Ellis Island p. 5 and 6 (on the left menu, there is a link so you can listen to the text) - Answer questions 1 to 8 p. 3 of the question packet. Finish and/or add details to the letter 2 that will help describe the journey on the boat.
Conte: Read the first page of Le Petit poisson doré - Compose 6 comprehension questions, and look up 6 words you don't know. Make sure to indicate the nature of the word + a definition or a synonym or an antonym or a drawing.
• Devoirs pour lundi 7 novembre
CC: Read Letters from Rifka and answer questions in the small booklet. Pay special attention to how she shares her journey through the Atlantic. Her passage through Ellis Island will also very be very useful for your 3rd letter.
Finish your letter 2 (ignore the request for the exact price of the ticket, however, you can give an idea of the sacrifice needed to pay for it).
Devoirs pour la semaine du 31 octobre au 4 novembre.
Devoirs pour vendredi 4 novembre:
CC: Write letter 2 (version 1). Make sure to skip a line and proof-read your work. Address all the subjects presented on the template. Read Letters from Rifka.
Ecrit: Study the grammar linked to geographical places (gender / articles / prepositions "en, au, aux") + countries' name. Do the half sheet exercise given in class.
Devoirs pour jeudi 3 novembre:
CC: Fill out the template for letter 2. Letter 2 will narrate your journey from the port to mid-way through the Atlantic. Read Letters from Rifka you should read how is her experience on the boat to get ideas.
Devoirs pour mercredi 2 novembre:
CC: Lire L'immigration p. 4 + répondre (en détails) aux questions 16, 17, 18.
Devoirs pour mardi 1 novembre:
Devoirs pour lundi 31 octobre:
CC: Lire L'Immigration p. 3 et 4 (premier paragraphe) + répondre aux questions 11 à 15. Finir la lettre 1 (double espace).
Devoirs pour vendredi 4 novembre:
CC: Write letter 2 (version 1). Make sure to skip a line and proof-read your work. Address all the subjects presented on the template. Read Letters from Rifka.
Ecrit: Study the grammar linked to geographical places (gender / articles / prepositions "en, au, aux") + countries' name. Do the half sheet exercise given in class.
Devoirs pour jeudi 3 novembre:
CC: Fill out the template for letter 2. Letter 2 will narrate your journey from the port to mid-way through the Atlantic. Read Letters from Rifka you should read how is her experience on the boat to get ideas.
Devoirs pour mercredi 2 novembre:
CC: Lire L'immigration p. 4 + répondre (en détails) aux questions 16, 17, 18.
Ecrit: Etudier la grammaire avec les lieux géographiques p. 1 + faire tous les exercices de la p. 3
Devoirs pour mardi 1 novembre:
Devoirs pour lundi 31 octobre:
CC: Lire L'Immigration p. 3 et 4 (premier paragraphe) + répondre aux questions 11 à 15. Finir la lettre 1 (double espace).
Ecrit: Réviser les 9 verbes que vous allez chanter (feuille jaune).
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